16 nov 2011

Improvisation: "En frio" and an unexpected bonus

En frio: Without warming up
my second recording for the web :P

Listen to me here:   "En Frio" Violin

It has been a long busy week and i haven't play at all. I merely tuned my violin and then recorded this. Hope you like it.

P.S. I feel i needed to play something more and this is how "Aflicción y Emoción" was born.

She is a bit crazy but the results awesome!

Pulpo player? Judge yourself


Guzheng (i think)

I really want to buy this!

I really really really really want to  buy this!

The sound in the video speaks for itself. I am going to buy it in January The sound is so clean and beautiful..

Plus the versatility that electric instruments gives

PRICE: 150$

6 nov 2011

In the violin: my little track

More than 3 minutes of G major improvisation in violin by me. Hope you like it

I don't know how to embed it. After more than a year exploring violin on my own i am now taking classes and recorded this to share it. More to come.

1 nov 2011

Fun Acrobatic violin player

Check her out has a very personal way to play violin.


Although a lot of violin teachers and players would be a little bit scandalized, it is very fun and the music is also very good.

12 oct 2011

LECCION en inglés



para la lectura de armaduras en partituras.

Afinador AP Tuner

Con 3.4 millones de descargas el AP Tuner para windows es mi afinador preferido. Necesitas de un microfono o entrada para conectarlo a tu intrumento.

Puedes configurar tus propias afinaciones en él.

La barra izquierda es el volumen de lo que el microfono capta, la zona media indica en que nota y cuantas centésimas de herzs te encuentras de esa nota (en caso de no estar afinado). La barra izquierda muestra la altura relativa del sonido que se escucha en relación de las notas de la afinación seleccionada (por defecto, guitarra)

Web: http://www.aptuner.com/cgi-bin/aptuner/apmain.html
Clickear APTunerInstall308.exe

28 sept 2011


Porque nunca he hecho snowboard



Lutería Histórica

Instrumentos Musicales Historicos de El Asier de Benito


Localizado en España, un lugar que me gustaría visitar de estar en ese continente.

Lo más genial son los trabajos que hace de instrumentos historicos, muchos de ellos basandose sólo en pinturas. Recomiendo mucho sus galerias fotográficas.

6 jun 2011

Corilon violins

Last saturday while i was helping to buy a violin for a friend of mine, i found this site

http://www.corilon.com/shop/en/violins.html      Click in listen sample!

Corilon violins, recomended to me by the owner of the stablishment in wich we found a cheap but really excelent violin...

The webpage is cool but i think it is a bit overpriced i don't really know, just can't afford them myself. The reason i am leaving this here is that  you can hear a sample of most of the instruments for free.

I am not happy with the violin i got now and i will buy another one in december, i hope. When i bougth the violin i have i was actually buying something else, saw it, like it, and decided to buy this violin to try it out. Thus i don't have a good violin... i need one.

26 may 2011

¡Disfruté mucho de esto!

Two guitars with a lot of flamenco style there but it is something more personal what Rodrigo and Gabriela make in their music. Go to second 53 if you want to start the song right away. Above i just said i enjoyed a lot this and hope you too!

20 may 2011

My favorites



Violin> Little instrument with infinite sounds between note and note, you are able to make a loud noise, great control of durations, an excellent melodic instrument, not really good for harmony.

Guitar> Got frets wich makes playing it easier and 6 strings in wich you can place the chords to create the feelings you want, more harmonic than melodic and portable. It is harder to keep the duration of a sound here, though.

Piano> Each key you press hits a different string and this only makes the piano what is is, powerful sound awesome control in loudness and duration,  you can harmonise while playing your own melody. Expensive and big.

Plus>> You can sing while playing string instruments (something you just can´t do with wind instruments, 

23 feb 2011

Primero hablemos de Notación Musical.

Plaza de Armas de Lima en los "tiempos aquellos"
No es perfecta y está difundida en mayor medida en el mundo de la llamada "música clásica". Pero ¿Porqué es tan importante?

Sin duda quien conoce de tablaturas sabe que jamas la podrías interpretar sin antes haber oído la canción. Es en eso que la partitura destroza al grueso de las notaciones populares del momento: Una partitura no sólo te da la altura de un sonido (que tan agudo o grave es) sino la duración del mismo; eso sin comentar de las distintas instrucciones, tradicionalmente escritas en italiano, que dan el matiz sentimental y técnico de una obra.

Teoría básica de lectura de partituras más ejercicios
Enorme y excelente biblioteca de partituras estilo "wiki"