16 nov 2011

Improvisation: "En frio" and an unexpected bonus

En frio: Without warming up
my second recording for the web :P

Listen to me here:   "En Frio" Violin

It has been a long busy week and i haven't play at all. I merely tuned my violin and then recorded this. Hope you like it.

P.S. I feel i needed to play something more and this is how "Aflicción y Emoción" was born.

She is a bit crazy but the results awesome!

Pulpo player? Judge yourself


Guzheng (i think)

I really want to buy this!

I really really really really want to  buy this!

The sound in the video speaks for itself. I am going to buy it in January The sound is so clean and beautiful..

Plus the versatility that electric instruments gives

PRICE: 150$

6 nov 2011

In the violin: my little track

More than 3 minutes of G major improvisation in violin by me. Hope you like it

I don't know how to embed it. After more than a year exploring violin on my own i am now taking classes and recorded this to share it. More to come.

1 nov 2011

Fun Acrobatic violin player

Check her out has a very personal way to play violin.


Although a lot of violin teachers and players would be a little bit scandalized, it is very fun and the music is also very good.